I woke up this morning thinking: I could use a little Haiku community today. I miss it. Then, I thought: Well, then do something about it!
As a fan of A Clown on Fire, I participated in a weekly poetry-fest for several months. I even hosted a Haiku Sunday on Le Clown’s site. It was fun and crazy and I loved every minute of it, but sadly, it ended. My friend, The Cheeky Diva also hosts a great Haiku-fest on Thursdays, but it’s hard for me to participate since I’m in the office all day, but do check out her site…
I’d like to start a Sunday Haiku – kind-of an easy, relaxing place to spark creativity and community. No pressure to be clever, just write what comes to mind first. I like to count on my fingers – 5, 7, 5.
So, are you interested in giving it a try?
Here’s a photo to get us started:
Hello Jiminy!
Whatcha doin this mornin’?
Prickly pear platform.
Now you go!
Filed under: Blogging, Haiku, Nature, Photography, Poetry Tagged: Blogging, Cathy Ulrich, Haiku, photography, poetry